About Us

About Us

Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity...  Proverbs 21v5

Our Goals

Andrew Wright started Silveroaks Forestry in order to be able to provide an excellent and comprehensive forestry and woodland management service.

Based in East Sussex, with an in-depth knowledge of the forestry sector across South East England, we are able to draw together all the different strands of woodland management to help clients meet their objectives.

Whether it be a felling licence application or producing a detailed long term management plan with budget. Or whether it be a one off coppicing project or a large scale timber harvesting and restocking programme we have the knowledge, skill base and contacts to make it happen efficiently

Our Experience

Andrew Wright has over 20 years experience in the forestry sector in England and Wales and has been a Chartered Forester for over 10 years (see link below for Andrew's full forestry CV).

Educated at Bangor University with an honours degree in forest management Andrew has worked for the Forestry Commission, Woodland Trust and English Woodlands Timber/Forestry. Andrew has experienced the forestry sector from the regulatory, conservation and commercial angles, as a manager and as a contractor.

Andrew also has the perspective of a landowner himself having been brought up on his family's farm and been actively involved in looking after that property, which he now co-owns, for many years. 

Andrew's Credentials
Larch Canopy - Well developed crowns in Larch plantation in a beautiful yet commercially viable woodland.

Our Story

As a committed Christian Andrew believes in integrity, excellence, hard work and that woodlands are a God given resource to be stewarded wisely for future generations.

With his wife, Sarah, and two children, Esther and Benjamin, Andrew spent 2 years in Colorado, USA, studying at Bible College to gain a deeper understanding of God's Word.

Living in the middle of a million acre national forest in the Rockies also enhanced Andrew's appreciation of trees, woodlands and timber. As an Associate of Biblical Studies, Andrew can also offer Marriage, Funeral and Baptism services to his repertoire! He is happy to answer any questions about God, Jesus, the Bible and the world whilst walking through the woods.

A word to describe Silveroaks Forestry: ‘Soteria’

Ancient Greek for safety, deliverance, completeness, salvation (used in NT)

Woodland Lake

This stunning property in the High Weald AONB is a diverse woodland with

 important recreation and sporting uses as well as local historical significance.

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